Green hydrogen is currently in high demand. In public debates it is usually considered a solution to the storage problem of green electricity. However, the many proposals and activities do not yet result in a consistent and economically feasible strategy. We would like to change this.
The starting point is to generate large quantities of green electricity at low cost. This is only possible in Earth’s sun deserts and coasts, using solar and wind energy. Be it in Africa, the Arab world, China, South America or Southern Europe, for example in Greece.
Put simply, the production chain of carbon neutral fuels looks like this: Large amounts of solar power are generated in the desert. Using this electricity, hydrogen is produced by electrolysis. By adding CO2, for example, “green” methanol is obtained and in further steps liquid and carbon neutral fuels are produced. The carbon is recycled and becomes a valuable economic good. The more loops are connected in succession (multiple recycling), the lower the emissions. Via Nature-based Solutions, the remaining emissions are offset and removed from the atmosphere.
Concept Papers
BMWK-Konsultation zum Strommarktdesign der Zukunft Working paper
Die Rolle von Kraftstoffen auf dem Weg zu klimaneutraler Mobilität Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2024.
Klimaneutrale Kohle – und Gaskraftwerke Das Energiesystem wirtschaftlich umbauen Working paper
Wie die deutsche Energiewende im Stromsektor bezahlbar wird Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2024.
How to make the German energy transition in the electricity sector affordable Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2024.
Zum Stand der Einführung von Wasserstoff als klimaneutralem Energieträger in Deutschland Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2024.
Die Chance HVO 100 optimal nutzen! Working paper
Einschätzung von GES: Die Carbon-Management-Strategie der Bundesregierung Working paper
CO2-Emissionen der Kalk und Zementindustrie Technical Report
Die Herausforderung Überschussstrom – Eine perspektivische Analyse bis zum Jahr 2045 Technical Report
Nachhaltiges Bauen und Holz – Nachhaltige Baulösungen für eine gesunde Erde Technical Report
Betrachtung verschiedener Antriebsformen für schwere LKW Technical Report
Basisdokumentation der GES-Referenzlösung Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2023.
Pyrolysieren statt verbrennen Technical Manual
e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2023.
Pyrolyse in Afrika Masters Thesis