Dr. Ludolf Plass, who was head of research at Lurgi AG for many years, played a major role in the development and construction of some of the world’s largest methanol plants (black methanol) and is therefore sometimes, not without good reason, referred to as the “methanol pope”. Regarding green methanol, he is involved in relevant projects in Germany. Plass is also involved in the research association DECHEMA e. V. (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology). Plass studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, and received his doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.

In 1969, he was employed by Lurgi GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where he held various positions for 40 years, including Head of Lurgi’s Coal and Energy Technologies Division and Managing Director of Lurgi Energy and Environmental Technologies GmbH as well as Chief Technology Officer of the Lurgi Group as Senior Vice President. Plass also served on the Executive Board of several international Lurgi subsidiaries and joint ventures. He retired from Lurgi in 2009. Plass was also a member of the Executive Board of DECHEMA and worked in several organizations of VDMA (German Engineering Federation). Currently, Plass is a member of the advisory board of the Dechema Research Institute, advises the PtM Power-to-Methanol project funded by the BMWi and is active on the board of the “Global Energy Solutions” association founded in September in Ulm. Ludolf Plass has held a number of positions, including senior advisor to the management of Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions c/o Lurgi GmbH, Frankfurt, advisor to the Management Board of Südchemie AG, Munich,Chairman of the Advisory Board of Schaefer Kalk GmbH & Co KG, Diez, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Techno-Physik GmbH, Essen, member of the Industrial Council of Finatem Beteiligungs Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Ecoloop GmbH, Duisburg/Elbingerode/Harz, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board Christopherus Heim, Welzheim, all in Germany.

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