GES book released

V.l.n.r. Thomas Frewer, Hans-Peter Sollinger, Christof von Branconi, Estelle Herlyn, Bert Beyers, Franz Josef Radermacher, Tobias Orthen, Michael Mack, Hans Jürgen Wernicke, Ulrich Begemann

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ALL IN! is a joint effort by the Global Energy Solutions team. The co-authors of this book have decades of experience in business, technology and international plant engineering. ALL IN! synthesises the results of two research projects: “Global Energy Perspectives”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and twelve partners from industry, and “Climate-neutral coal and gas-fired power plants – converting the energy system economically”, funded by the Vector Foundation (Stuttgart).

ALL IN! is published by Murmann Verlag in Hamburg. You can order the book here.

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