Dr. Hans Jürgen Wernicke, after studying and obtaining a doctorate in physical chemistry in Kiel, worked for eight years for the Linde Group in petrochemical plant construction and then moved to Süd-Chemie AG in Munich, now part of Clariant AG. After several years in South Africa in connection with coal- and offshore natural gas-based synfuels projects and in the USA, Dr. Wernicke was a member of the Board of Management of Süd-Chemie from 1997 to 2011, from 2007 Deputy Chairman. In addition to several supervisory board mandates, Dr. Wernicke is involved in many expert committees, including as a member of the Executive Board and currently as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA).

He is also a member of the Economic Policy Committee and the Innovation Committee of the Bavarian Chemical Associations, the Advisory Board of the Bavarian Chemical Cluster and the Board of Trustees of the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock. He is co-author of two relevant books entitled “Future Fuels – Energy Shift in Transportation as a Global Climate Goal” and “Methanol: The Basic Chemical and Energy Feedstock of the Future”.

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