After graduating with a degree in process engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in Fontainebleau/France, Thomas Frewer worked for four years at McKinsey & Co Inc. in Germany for European companies. In 1993, he moved to VEBA AG (now e.on SE) and was in charge of investment controlling for the ‘Oil’ division as part of the CEO’s department. In 1997, he moved to operational management responsibility at a VEBA Oel subsidiary, in 2001 he took over the commercial management of bp’s JV refinery holdings in Germany, extended to BP Europa SE in 2004. From 2007 to mid-2009 he was Managing Director of RuhrOel GmbH, a joint venture between BP and Petroleos de Venezuela. He then headed the Strategy & Portfolio division at BP Europa SE. Until 2020, he managed a number of M&A projects there, focussing on BP’s European refinery portfolio. From 2019 until his departure at the end of 2022, he was responsible for bp’s participation in the development of the integrated value chain for green hydrogen ‘GET H2 Nukleus’ (large-scale production, transport, storage and application; IPCEI status).

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