What will happen to the subsidisation of renewables? How should back-up capacities of power plants be financed in future? According to which rules should the grid fees be charged? At the beginning of August, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWK) presented a paper on the electricity market design of the future on questions such as these. Comments could be submitted until 6 September. GES analysed the proposals and contributed extensive comments in close cooperation with the Initiative Zukunft Wirtschaft e.V. (IZW). Our conclusion: We already have the highest electricity generation costs for an industrialised country in Europe. The consequence of the BMWK strategy of unilaterally favouring volatile electricity generation from wind and solar leads to further price increases and not to a (re)convergence to internationally competitive electricity prices. Financing the solution to the global climate crisis would become much more difficult and Germany would unnecessarily give up prosperity.
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