GES News

Obituary Klaus Töpfer

13. June 2024

Global Energy Solutions mourns the loss of its Board of Trustees member Prof Dr Klaus Töpfer. He was one of the great personalities on the subject of sustainability for the whole world and died on 8 June after a short, serious illness. As a politician and thought leader, excellent strategist and exemplary mediator, Klaus Töpfer […]


GES at the climate conference in Dubai

29. December 2023

Although the final declaration of the World Climate Conference in Dubai (COP28) speaks of a “transition away from fossil fuels”, there is no mention of a phase-out of coal, gas and oil. COP28 changes practically nothing, or hardly anything, about the continued essential importance of fossil fuels. Nothing else was to be expected. The final […]


Franz Josef Radermacher Green Innovator 2023

1. December 2023

Professor Franz Josef Radermacher from GES has received the Green Innovator 2023 Award of Honour. He was honoured for developing the GES reference solution together with his team. With regard to battery electrics, the scientist said: “You can only shake your head, […] but we even have people who think they have to supply lorries […]


Summary of the GES reference solution

1. December 2023

These are our most important messages: A summary of the GES reference solution is now available on our website.


Fourth GES Partner Meeting

2. June 2023

At an event on 9 May 2023, Global Energy Solutions thanked its industry partners for their content-related and financial support. Present in Ulm were: Bosch, Drees & Sommer, ebm Papst, GdW, Heraeus, Kühne + Nagel, Obrist, Progroup, Schwenk Zement and Vinci. At the meeting, the GES results developed over the past two years were presented. […]


New service for GES members

3. March 2023

Global Energy Solutions association members now have the opportunity to share and network in an internal area of the website. The link to the GES intranet is on the association’s website. Become a member of GES and benefit from the knowledge and the opportunity to exchange with association members in our network!


Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on the work of GES

3. February 2023

“At the power plants, capturing and recycling CO2 has great potential, although the question is who is going to pay for it. Comparable to the successful Montreal Protocol to prevent a hole in the ozone layer, this should primarily be done by the industrialised countries. For the existing fleet, synthetic fuels in particular offer good […]


Review of the COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh

2. December 2022

The climate conference ended with the promise of the industrialised countries to pay for damages and losses resulting from warming in particularly vulnerable developing countries. But the financing is not yet clear and the dimensions are clearly too low. Regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases, there was no progress compared to the previous COP in […]


Green molecule projects on the verge of a breakthrough?

2. December 2022

Supporters of Dii Desert Energy met in Cairo at the beginning of November. The predecessor organisation Desertec is better known. In the meantime, today’s Dii Desert Energy has established itself as a competence centre and contact broker for renewable energy projects in the MENA region. The number of partners has practically doubled compared to the […]


GES-Industry Partner Meeting

2. December 2022

The Net Zero metastudy was also a topic at the GES supporter meeting with eleven companies on November 7th. Franz Josef Radermacher, member of the GES Board of Directors, concludes: “For us, carbon capture is a key element – it is absolutely needed alongside hydrogen and other building blocks in the future energy system.” Other […]

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