Interview: The structure of the work programme is in place

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Global Energy Solutions (GES) has specified its work programme for the next two years. In an interview, Christof von Branconi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the association, names the focal points. The challenges of a global energy transition are enormous, and so are the tasks. After all, around 85 percent of the energy used worldwide today comes from fossil sources. Over the next 30 years, “we have to find a way to use or replace this 85 percent in a way that is as climate-friendly as possible,” says von Branconi. GES has now drawn up a programme on how possible solutions – open-ended – are to be developed, step by step. There are five major building blocks:

  1. a vision of the future, taking into account the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals,
  2. a toolbox with technical solution modules
  3. the concrete application of the toolbox in individual industrial sectors
  4. the specific geographical, political, economic and infrastructural conditions for individual regions of the world, and
  5. the solution picture: “How does the association envision that the greenhouse gas problem can be solved in concrete terms – while at the same time increasing global prosperity?”

Among the next tasks, GES has set itself, are investigations into the following questions:

  1. the large-scale production of green hydrogen by electrolysis and
  2. the transport of hydrogen, taking into account various routes, including hydrogen derivatives such as methanol or synthetic natural gas (methane).

In particular, GES wants to address the question of how CO2 from point sources (e.g. from a cement plant) can be used in a meaningful way. In two years, GES wants to present proposed solutions for the global energy and climate problem, and ones that are also economically viable.

Interview Christof von Branconi

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