
ship on body of water at night

More climate gases instead of less – more realism please!

4. November 2021

A new, renewable-based energy economy is emerging – but far too slowly to be able to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by the middle of the last century. This is the central statement of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its World Energy Outlook 2021. Instead, record-breaking amounts of coal and oil would be consumed in […]

water dropping on light bulb

Energy transition in Germany: electrons or molecules?

4. November 2021

The climate problem will either be solved globally or not at all. This is the position of GES, and it is from this perspective that we are following the national discussion in Germany. It is characterised by different and in part contradictory approaches. How can Germany become climate neutral by 2045? In recent weeks, three […]

green and white striped textile

Technically feasible, economically viable, globally implementable

4. November 2021

On 25 October 2021, the first meeting of the Global Energy Perspectives project took place in Ulm. More than ten industry partners are already working with the Global Energy Solutions association from Ulm and accepted the invitation. In the project, options for a solution to the global energy and climate issue are being examined with […]


More output: from 1 to 5 gigawatts

4. November 2021

The order situation at the producers of electrolysis plants is more than good. In an interview, Ulf Bäumer of thyssenkrupp explains how the company is currently ramping up its production capacities: through the use of robots, through digitalisation and the further development of components – large-scale industrial production instead of manufacture. In the process, the […]


Short News October 2021

9. October 2021

Alongside the IAA Mobility in Munich, Global Energy Solutions held an event on 6th September on the global challenges in the field of energy and climate and possible contributions to solutions by the industry. The event was hosted by Linde GmbH. Among others, the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, was […]

gray concrete building

GES position in the German election campaign

30. September 2021

Wolfgang Reitzle, who has held top management positions in industry (BMW, Continental, Ford and Linde) for many years, gave a remarkable speech at a party conference of the FDP on 19th September. He pleads for the low-cost production of green electricity, e.g. in the sun deserts of the earth. This electricity is to be used […]


Direct Air Capture – World’s largest facility goes into operation

30. September 2021

Every year, the Swiss start-up Climeworks wants to suck up to 4,000 tonnes of CO2 directly from the air and deposit it underground. Orca, as the plant is called, went into operation on Iceland at the beginning of September. Orca consists of eight large containers that suck in […]


Interview: The structure of the work programme is in place

30. September 2021

Global Energy Solutions (GES) has specified its work programme for the next two years. In an interview, Christof von Branconi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the association, names the focal points. The challenges of a global energy transition are enormous, and so are the tasks. After all, around 85 percent of the energy […]


Facts and Figures

30. September 2021

An unrealistic dream: Georg Brasseur on green energy self-sufficiency in Europe

3. September 2021

Interview: How can the energy transition succeed? Georg Brasseur is an engineer and teaches at Graz University of Technology. His maxim: We need a technical vision of how the global energy transition can succeed at all. Using Europe as an example, he shows with simple calculations that neither green energy self-sufficiency is possible nor a […]

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