
The GES Reference Solution – Lecture by Prof. Franz Josef Radermacher

7. July 2023

The goal of the GES Reference Solution is to chart a path to a world that enables all ten billion people to live in freedom with adequate prosperity in social balance, an intact environment and a stable climate system in the period 2050 to 2070. The guiding idea is energy prosperity for all through innovation […]


Interview Kai Schaefer

2. June 2023

The German lime industry emits 6 million tonnes of CO2 per year . Two thirds of this cannot be avoided because they are produced when the lime is burnt. Another third comes from the fuels used in the processes. In order to bring the emissions of the lime industry (and those of the cement industry […]


The target: 200 US dollars per tonne of CO2 captured

5. May 2023

Climeworks currently operates the largest plant in Iceland to scrub CO2 directly out of the atmosphere. Dirk Nuber is responsible for the company’s project development. He is looking for locations for further plants and preparing everything so that they can go into operation. Important points include large amounts of renewable energy for the capture process, […]


Interview with Fritz Vahrenholt

7. April 2023

The German energy transition as currently planned will fail. That is the opinion of Fritz Vahrenholt, former senator for the environment in Hamburg. 80 per cent electricity from renewable energies, as planned by the German government for 2030, cannot be achieved. There will not always be wind and the sun only shines during the day. […]


Interview Helmut Leibinger

3. March 2023

The first carbon capture plant in a German cement plant is in operation, in the Bavarian town of Rohrdorf near Rosenheim. Using the captured CO2, a product for the chemical industry is created, namely formic acid. With the pilot plant, the operator wants to open up a way to use CO2 as a valuable material, […]


Interview Hansjörg Lerchenmüller

3. February 2023

Biochar is produced through pyrolysis – a low-oxygen process of biomass conversion. Residual materials are used in this process, for example waste from the timber industry or straw. Biochar is used as a soil conditioner in agriculture. This way, carbon is permanently stored in the soil. Pyrolysis is an exothermic process. Once started, it produces […]


Interview with Jens Wagner

30. December 2022

Green hydrogen or blue hydrogen, the terminology is of little importance to Jens Wagner of GasConTec. What matters to him is how much CO2 is released in the production of one tonne of hydrogen (or ammonia or methanol). In this sense, fossil-based hydrogen can even be better than hydrogen from renewables, thanks to carbon capture. […]


When will the German hydrogen economy arrive? Interview with Thomas Frewer from BP

2. December 2022

In 2030, 1500 kilometres of pipelines for hydrogen transport in Germany should be ready. From the north, where most of the gas is produced, it will reach consumers in the west and south of the country. The customers will be steelworks and the chemical industry, for example. But there is still a long way to […]


Biofuels in shipping: Interview with Kai Miller from Kuehne+Nagel

4. November 2022

Climate-friendly transport is a service that is increasingly in demand. The logistics company Kuehne+Nagel offers a range of instruments to achieve this goal. For example, the compensation of CO2 emissions from conventional fuels. Kai Miller of Kuehne+Nagel is convinced that there will not be one solution for climate-friendly transport by sea in the future. This […]


Liquid electricity

7. October 2022

In 2002, Urs Weidmann founded the Silent-Power AG in Switzerland. He wants to help the methanol industry achieve a breakthrough, develop a CO2-neutral value chain and expand his company into an energy service provider. For Weidmann, methanol, not hydrogen, is the ideal synthetically produced energy carrier. He has been convinced of this for 40 years. The entrepreneur relies on the fundamental findings of George A. Olah, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1994. Now, the hour of practice has come for Weidmann.

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