What will happen to the subsidisation of renewables? How should back-up capacities of power plants be financed in future? According to which rules should the grid fees be charged? At the beginning of August, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWK) presented a paper on the electricity market design of the future on […]
MehrWe are going “ALL IN!” and would like to take you with us. Our book “ALL IN! – Energy and Prosperity for a Growing World” is being published to coincide with the Frankfurt Book Fair. In addition to Jane Goodall, Wolfgang Reitzle and Hans-Werner Sinn, other renowned personalities support the contents of the book: ALL […]
MehrGES sees the draft carbon management strategy by Economics Minister Robert Habeck as an overdue step. The world is now also moving towards the GES reference solution in Germany: the “2-pillar electricity system” and “Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage” building blocks are being given the space they need. If 80 per cent of global primary […]
MehrIn the European Union, heavy-duty traffic is responsible for about one third of road transport emissions and thus for six percent of CO2 emissions. A crucial question is how climate-neutral trucks can be powered in the future. An excerpt from the study: “In the near future, battery electrics and the provision of electricity via overhead […]
MehrWe want to show a way for humanity to achieve a life in freedom with adequate prosperity in social balance, an intact environment and a stable climate system between 2050 and 2070. This is a great ambition. We believe we have shown a possible way forward in our report as part of the Global Energy […]
MehrFlying has become a matter of course for many people. Air transport of people and goods is expected to double or even triple again in the coming decades. In spite of all “flying shame”. Due to population and economic growth, the markets of the future are in India, China and Africa. Alternative forms of propulsion […]
MehrNature-based solutions for binding CO2 play a decisive role in climate protection. The aim is to preserve, relieve and expand the absorption capacity of the biosphere. In addition to their positive impact on the climate, nature-based solutions have many positive effects in terms of the 2030 Agenda, with the potential to create several trillion US […]
MehrNitrogen oxides, here mainly nitrous oxide, are the third most important long-lived climate gas after CO2 and methane. The anthropogenic share of total global nitrogen oxide emissions is over 40 per cent. The main source is agriculture. Limiting it is possible, several European countries are already doing it. A background paper by Hans-Jürgen Wernicke.
MehrAt an event on 9 May 2023, Global Energy Solutions thanked its industry partners for their content-related and financial support. Present in Ulm were: Bosch, Drees & Sommer, ebm Papst, GdW, Heraeus, Kühne + Nagel, Obrist, Progroup, Schwenk Zement and Vinci. At the meeting, the GES results developed over the past two years were presented. […]
MehrAnyone who believes that batteries will make long-term storage of electricity in the grid possible is mistaken. A solution for bridging dark lulls when the sun is not shining, and the wind is not blowing is not in sight with this technology. But batteries can certainly contribute to stabilising an electricity grid with a high […]