
Green electricity and hydrogen – the German energy system 2050

4. March 2022

Thomas Unnerstall is an energy consultant, author and member of Global Energy Solutions. In this interview, he outlines the future of the German power and energy system until 2050. After the phasing out of German nuclear power plants this year and the planned shutdown of coal-fired power plants, gas-fired power plants would become increasingly important. […]


War in Ukraine

4. March 2022

Russia’s attack on Ukraine in violation of international law is a historic turning point. After many years of peace, war is once again raging in Europe. The Ukrainian civilian population is suffering, hundreds of thousands are fleeing. The consequences of all this are not foreseeable, neither militarily, nor politically. Energy policy is already reacting, not […]


GES working paper on the production of low-CO2 hydrogen

4. March 2022

Global electrolysis capacities are increasing rapidly from very few capacities available today. Europe leads the way in terms of planned projects, followed by Asia and North America. However, there are still considerable hurdles to a broad market ramp-up: high costs for investments and electricity, possible raw material bottlenecks and a lack of standardisation in production. […]


Facts and Figures: Low CO2 hydrogen

4. March 2022

According to the common hydrogen colour theory, green hydrogen is produced by water electrolysis. Only electricity from renewable sources is used in this process. Grey hydrogen is usually produced from natural gas. It is broken down into hydrogen and CO2 by heat (steam reforming). In the process, CO2 is released into the atmosphere. Blue hydrogen […]


News in brief March 2022

4. March 2022

We have updated our website and made it more informative with a clearer design. If you like, take a look! At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / […]


Short news February 2022

3. February 2022

At this point, news of the last few weeks are picked up which, from GES’ point of view, give hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead. The company Tree Energy Solutions (TES) plans a circular CO2-economy between the […]


New GES-paper on methane emissions

3. February 2022

Methane is the second most important climate gas after CO2. Its negative impact on the climate per molecule is significantly higher than that of CO2. And the concentration of methane in the atmosphere steadily increases. GES comments on this important field of action as follows: Reducing methane emissions along different value chains is relatively easy […]

grey metal door with hole

Facts and Figures: 600-kilogram CO2

3. February 2022

This is how much CO2 is produced creating one tonne of concrete. Whereby the production of burnt lime for concrete is the main source of emissions. The calcium carbonate of the limestone is converted into calcium oxide. The proportion of binder (clinker) in concrete can be reduced, but concrete production will not become “green” this […]


Synthetic kerosene from concrete production – Interview with Patrik Schleicher from SCHWENK Zement

3. February 2022

Concrete is a bulk commodity and the building material par excellence, also globally. The cement industry contributes 7 to 8 percent of global CO2 emissions. And concrete consumption is rising. SCHWENK Zement is not only a partner of Global Energy Solutions, but also one of the oldest family-owned companies in the German building materials industry, […]


Saudi Arabia becomes an exporter of green ammonia. Interview with Peter Terium

31. December 2021

One of the largest renewable energy production projects is currently being developed in Saudi Arabia and is called Neom. The area is located on the coast of the Red Sea and is about the size of Belgium. Even though Neom will be powered 100 per cent by renewables, the plans go far beyond the energy […]

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