
black and silver solar panel

Australia plans gigantic plant for renewable fuels

2. September 2021

Large green hydrogen projects are planned not only in the MENA region. Now Australia is also getting on board. The announcement is not sparing with superlatives, the talk is of the world’s largest energy hub for renewable energy. The Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) is designed […]


H2Giga: Electrolysers for hydrogen production on an industrial scale

1. September 2021

H2Giga is one of the three hydrogen lead projects of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim is to support the series production of electrolysers for worldwide use. Until now, this technology has largely been produced by hand. H2Giga has now officially […]


Short News August 2021

31. August 2021

The world’s first offshore production facility for green hydrogen is to be built in the Netherlands. Wind farms at sea supply large amounts of electricity. This will be used to produce green hydrogen, which will be fed into an existing pipeline system. The question of […]


Climate Neutral Steel – New Proposal from GES

26. July 2021

In a paper, Global Energy Solutions subjects the German strategy for future climate-neutral steel production to a reality check. The predominant process today is the so-called blast furnace route, using coke and coal. Steel produced in this way costs at least 390 euros per tonne. […]


Why the world’s largest oil producer relies on synthetic fuels

26. July 2021

Matthias Braun is a consultant to Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer. In an interview with Global Energy Solutions, he explains Aramco’s interest in synthetic fuels. It is primarily customer-driven. The Chinese market is in first place. China is not only focusing on electromobility, […]


Industrial CO2 cycles

26. July 2021

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) has examined possible applications of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and use (CCU). The VDI takes a critical view of CCS, citing risks to the population. (The result for CCU, on the other hand, is unambiguous: “For a greenhouse gas-neutral future, the capture and material use […]


GES: Project funding confirmed

15. July 2021

We need a realistic, implementable programme

1. July 2021

Global Energy Solutions proposes to German politicians that climate-neutral synthetic fuels be added to today’s classic petrol. This is also possible for diesel and heating oil. The blending rate could be 15 percent in 2030. This would be a considerable contribution to achieving the goal of the […]


On our own account: project funding confirmed

24. June 2021

The project, for which Global Energy Solutions e.V. was founded, can start on 01.07.2021. The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has approved funding for the research project “Global Energy Perspectives – Development of a Reference Model to Address Global Energy and Climate Challenges”. The project aims to show that there is a […]


What does “climate-neutral” mean here?

24. June 2021

The Wettbewerbszentrale recently criticised several companies, including Aldi Süd, for using the term climate neutrality in a misleading and non-transparent way. Yet this term has been established for many years. Since the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, it has been clear that CO2 emissions caused in an industrialised country can be compensated elsewhere – for example […]

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