
West Africa could supply all of Europe with green energy

24. June 2021

The Potential Atlas of Green Hydrogen by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) shows almost unbelievable possibilities for energy cooperation between Europe and Africa. According to this, up to 165,000 terawatt hours of green hydrogen can be produced annually in West Africa alone. […]


Possible contributions to meet the climate targets after the judgement of the German Federal Constitutional Court

5. June 2021

Das deutsche Klimaziel bis 2030 wird von 55% Reduktion im Vergleich zu 1990 auf 65% erhöht. Seit 1990 sind im energienahen Bereich 40% Reduktion von etwa 1050 Millionen Tonnen CO2 auf 630 Millionen Tonnen CO2 gelungen. Dies war vergleichsweise einfach im Vergleich zu dem seit Ende 2019 – in der ersten Version des Klimaschutzgesetzes – anvisierten 55% […]


Honour for Prof. Walter Leitner, member of the GES Board of Trustees

26. May 2021

Prof. Leitner is nominated for the European Inventor Award of the European Patent Office for the development of a new technique for the use of CO2. He is head of “Technical Chemistry and Petrochemistry” at RWTH Aachen University and director at the Max Planck Institute […]


Expensive and inefficient climate nationalism

26. May 2021

Global Energy Solutions comments on the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Climate Protection Act. The court targets a lack of intergenerational justice and calls on policymakers to take measures that lead to the achievement of the 2°C or better even 1.5°C target. The central element of the argumentation is the so-called budget approach. GES finds […]


The global energy transition now has a chance

26. May 2021

Hardly anyone has as much experience with renewable energy in North Africa and the Middle East as Paul van Son. He was the founding managing director of the Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii) in 2009. Early on, he criticised the focus on exporting electricity from Africa to Europe – as too narrow and too early. First, […]


Nature-based Solutions – A Necessary Element for Solving the Climate Problem

26. May 2021

The potential of Nature-based Solutions is huge. A reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere by 10 billion tonnes annually is possible. This is confirmed by a publication in the renowned journal nature. Reforestation, rainforest protection or humus formation in agriculture bring positive development effects in the sense of the 2030 agenda and contribute to the […]


Radermacher: Germany’s climate nationalism will not help the world

4. May 2021

Germany focuses too much on national goals and measures in the fight against climate change. However, these are hardly relevant in the global context. This is the opinion of Franz Josef Rademacher, board member of Global Energy Solutions. German and European climate policy hardly takes note of influential global developments, such as population trends. By […]


Starting point: Global Energy Solutions e.V.

30. August 2020
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