
News in brief January 2023

30. December 2022

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. The concretisation of a G7 climate […]


New GES position paper

30. December 2022

An excerpt: A prosperity-compatible energy and climate strategy for the world with an outlook to the year 2050 and a population of ten billion people requires – also proportionally – a multiple of today’s amount of climate-friendly electricity. This will be generated in various ways: old and new methods of using renewable energies, fossil energy […]


New GES paper: On the transport of energy

30. December 2022

When electricity flows, electrons are on the move. When (synthetic) fuels flow, they are molecules. As a result of the global energy transition, the transport routes of both electrons and molecules will change. In addition, the demand for energy will increase over the coming decades, which in turn will affect transport capacities. In their paper, […]


New GES paper: Oceans as a sink for anthropogenic CO2

30. December 2022

The world’s oceans are the largest carbon store on earth and one of the most important buffers of CO2. Annually, marine ecosystems can absorb about 3 gigatonnes of the greenhouse gas. This is a relevant magnitude. Even a transport of CO2 into deeper layers of the oceans beyond 3000 or 4000 metres is apparently possible, […]


Interview with Jens Wagner

30. December 2022

Green hydrogen or blue hydrogen, the terminology is of little importance to Jens Wagner of GasConTec. What matters to him is how much CO2 is released in the production of one tonne of hydrogen (or ammonia or methanol). In this sense, fossil-based hydrogen can even be better than hydrogen from renewables, thanks to carbon capture. […]


Review of the COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh

2. December 2022

The climate conference ended with the promise of the industrialised countries to pay for damages and losses resulting from warming in particularly vulnerable developing countries. But the financing is not yet clear and the dimensions are clearly too low. Regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases, there was no progress compared to the previous COP in […]


News in brief December 2022

2. December 2022

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. The EU Commission wants to issue […]


Green molecule projects on the verge of a breakthrough?

2. December 2022

Supporters of Dii Desert Energy met in Cairo at the beginning of November. The predecessor organisation Desertec is better known. In the meantime, today’s Dii Desert Energy has established itself as a competence centre and contact broker for renewable energy projects in the MENA region. The number of partners has practically doubled compared to the […]


GES-Industry Partner Meeting

2. December 2022

The Net Zero metastudy was also a topic at the GES supporter meeting with eleven companies on November 7th. Franz Josef Radermacher, member of the GES Board of Directors, concludes: “For us, carbon capture is a key element – it is absolutely needed alongside hydrogen and other building blocks in the future energy system.” Other […]


Gas flares: Wasted energy and mass emissions

2. December 2022

Since Russia stopped its natural gas supplies to Europe, it has been flaring large quantities of gas. This is only one, but particularly irritating, facet of the unfortunately widespread problem. For the mass burning of “superfluous” gas is common practice in oil and gas production. There are about 10,000 flares worldwide with an annual exhaust […]

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