Starting point: Global Energy Solutions e.V.

The association Global Energy Solutions e.V. will conduct analyses on current energy, climate and development issues. The association’s unique selling points are the idea of multiple CO2 recycling – basically a CO2 circular economy – and the key role of carbon neutral energy sources and fuels, including methanol. Nature-based Solutions, e.g. humus formation in agriculture, consistent rainforest protection and reforestation, play an important complementary role. All of this has an international dimension because climate issues do not know national boundaries.

As with Desertec, the use of the world’s large sun deserts plays a key role in generating gigantic quantities of renewable energy at low cost. The Global Energy Solutions association is relying on climate-neutral fuels as an energy carrier, liquid electricity, so to speak. The starting point is green hydrogen. Ultimately, it is also about an industry and innovation partnership between Europe and its neighboring continent Africa. Therein lies the connection to the BMZ’s “Marshall Plan with Africa”. The BMZ is also a partner in the realization of one of the world’s largest green hydrogen production plants, to be built in Morocco.

Press conference on the establishment of the association Global Energy Solutions e. V. on 27.08.2020 in City Hall in Ulm with the Parliamentary State Secretary from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Norbert Barthle, the Lord Mayor of the City of Ulm Gunter Czisch and the Chairman of the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing/n (FAW/n) in Ulm Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher.

“A good day for Ulm, a good day for the region”, commented the president of the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Dr. Jan-Stefan Roell – and started the association off with a 5,000 euro donation. The foundation of the association on August 27th, 2020, coincided with the 250th birthday of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The association feels inspired by Hegel to discuss and resolve contradictions and thus arrive at better solutions.

Philosoph Georg Friedrich Hegel
Philosopher Georg Friedrich Hegel
Ulmer Münster
Ulmer Münster
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