Background papers

Christof von Branconi, Thomas Frewer

How to make the German energy transition in the electricity sector affordable Technical Manual

e.V., Global Energy Solutions (Ed.): 2024.

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e.V., Global Energy Solutions

Development of a Reference Solution for a worldwide climate neutral and prosperity-creating energy system – Final Report Technical Report


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Sollinger, Hans-Peter

Forest Plantations in Brazil Technical Report


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Radermacher, Franz Josef

How we can still stop climate change Technical Report

2021, (Background Paper).

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Radermacher, Franz Josef

Methanol - Central building block of a sustainable energy future Technical Report

2021, (Background Paper).

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Radermacher, Franz Josef

"Double green" methanol / "Double-green" synthetic fuels Technical Report

2020, (Background Paper).

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Radermacher, Franz Josef

Climate Change and Climate Protection - Methanol helps! Technical Report

2019, (Hintergrundpapier).

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Radermacher, Franz Josef

Overcoming the international energy and climate crisis - Methanol economy and soil improvement can close the carbon cycle Technical Report

2019, (Background Paper).

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Radermacher, Franz Josef

The Marshall Plan with Africa - An approach to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 ?! Technical Report

2019, (Background Paper).

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