First large-scale industrial plant in Morocco
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is also involved in the Federal Government’s National Hydrogen Strategy. Minister Dr. Gerd Müller: “Especially countries in North Africa are suitable production sites, as the sun shines almost unlimitedly here. Together with Morocco we are now developing the first industrial demonstration plant for green hydrogen in Africa”. A corresponding agreement between the two countries was signed on June 10th, 2020.
From the perspective of Global Energy Solutions, the next step is a first large-scale industrial plant in North Africa with a capacity of 4 million tons of green methanol. This is about 30 times the size of the plants currently planned and corresponds to about 10 percent of the total German gasoline consumption. That is more than nothing but it shows how long the road ahead is.
Aus Sicht von Global Energy Solutions ist der nächste Schritt eine erste industrielle Großanlage in Nordafrika mit einer Größenordnung von 4 Millionen Tonnen grünem Methanol. Das ist etwa die 30-fache Größe der aktuell geplanten Anlagen, was etwa 10 Prozent des deutschen Benzinverbrauchs entspricht. Das ist mehr als nichts, zeigt aber, wie weit der Weg ist, der vor uns liegt.