Newsletter July 2022

Synthetic fuels: Demand huge, supply homeopathic
Thorsten Herdan, HIF Global Perhaps the most important pilot plant for synthetic fuels, Haru Oni in southern Chile, will start operations at the end of ...
black SUV near grass and trees
On the debate about a ban on new cars with combustion engines
According to the current will of the EU Parliament, no more passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with combustion engines may be sold in the ...
New GES factsheet: Transport of hydrogen
The conclusion: For the desired climate neutrality, Europe will have to import considerable shares of the required energy in the future as well. For distances ...
What is green hydrogen for the EU?
The EU wants to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases by 55 percent by 2030 (Fit for 55). Electrolysis hydrogen and renewable fuels play a ...
Franz Josef Radermacher: Appointment to international UNIDO Council
GES Vice-Chair, Prof. Dr Franz Josef Radermacher, is now a member of the new Council of Engineers on the Energy Transition (CEET) of the United ...
News in brief July 2022
At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES' point of view, are reason for hope because they ...
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