
Basis documentation of the GES reference solution published

1. September 2023

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Global Energy Solutions has developed a reference solution for a global climate-neutral and prosperity-creating energy system. It shows a path that enables ten billion people to live in freedom with adequate prosperity in social balance, an intact environment and a stable climate […]


GES reference solution: Extended OECD, China Club and Challenge Group as the basis of the model

4. August 2023

Where are the major challenges in solving global energy and climate issues? GES assumes that the rich countries will achieve their goal of climate neutrality for the year 2050 on their own, if only because of their economic and technical potential. The same applies to countries like China and Russia, which have also set themselves […]


Rainforest protection, reforestation and restoration of degraded soils: building blocks of the GES reference model

7. July 2023
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Nature-based solutions for binding CO2 play a decisive role in climate protection. The aim is to preserve, relieve and expand the absorption capacity of the biosphere. In addition to their positive impact on the climate, nature-based solutions have many positive effects in terms of the 2030 Agenda, with the potential to create several trillion US […]


Newsletter July 2023

7. July 2023

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. Climate gas emissions are at an […]


News in brief May 2023

5. May 2023

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. At the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PKD), […]


What will become of e-fuels in the European Union?

7. April 2023

The far-reaching end for cars with internal combustion engines in the EU is in sight. From 2035, no new cars that run on petrol or diesel may be sold. Under pressure from the FDP, however, the German government has managed to get internal combustion vehicles fuelled exclusively with climate-neutral fuels approved as well. An assessment […]


News in brief April 2023

7. April 2023

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. In its new synthesis report, the […]


News in brief March 2023

3. March 2023

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. At this point, we pick up […]


GES for trucks with e-fuels

3. March 2023

Sustainable and renewable fuels should be taken into account in the EU regulations for road transport! Renowned representatives of the European industry plead for this in an open letter to the EU Commission. GES supports the initiative.


The great energy crisis – the new book by Fritz Vahrenholt

3. March 2023

In a 20-point programme, the author calls for: pushing the development of carbon capture further, including for natural gas; promoting shale gas on German soil; lifting the European ban on combustion engines and promoting the development of synthetic fuels; and ending subsidies for e-mobility. These points are congruent with the Global Energy Solutions programme. While […]

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