Position papers

The German government’s carbon management strategy

29. February 2024

GES sees the draft carbon management strategy by Economics Minister Robert Habeck as an overdue step. The world is now also moving towards the GES reference solution in Germany: the “2-pillar electricity system” and “Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage” building blocks are being given the space they need. If 80 per cent of global primary […]


New GES Position Paper on Carbon Capture

3. March 2023

The burning of coal, gas and oil causes the dangerous rise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere that has been going on for decades, leading to warming and climate change. If it were possible to reliably capture the CO2 produced and then dispose of or use it, the world would be one step further. Carbon […]


New GES position paper

30. December 2022

An excerpt: A prosperity-compatible energy and climate strategy for the world with an outlook to the year 2050 and a population of ten billion people requires – also proportionally – a multiple of today’s amount of climate-friendly electricity. This will be generated in various ways: old and new methods of using renewable energies, fossil energy […]


Climate neutrality for the global fleet of cars and trucks: it won’t work without e-fuels

4. November 2022

From 2035 on, only new cars that do not emit greenhouse gases are to be sold in the European Union. Electric cars are thus set and the use of e-fuels is being examined. From GES’ point of view, not only a European but also a global solution is needed. E-fuels are an important building block […]


Synthetic fuels indispensable. New position paper from GES

5. August 2022

An excerpt: Synthetic fuels based on low carbon H2 form a third pillar of any viable solution to the world’s future energy and climate problems, alongside climate-friendly electricity and climate-friendly hydrogen. They are of great importance to climate-neutral mobility in the future. Such fuels have great advantages in terms of transportability, storage capacity and use […]

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