All in!

Energy and Prosperity
for a Growing World


We are working on solutions for how the world can achieve a state of climate neutrality and how all people can lead a life of adequate prosperity. This is happening in a situation in which political uncertainties and military tensions are increasing worldwide and Germany is struggling with major collateral damage from the energy transition. Sustainable alternative solutions and orientation are a valuable asset, especially today.

Global Energy Solutions (GES) focuses on climate and energy. Energy is the key to prosperity and development. A peaceful future for a growing world population can only succeed with energy and sufficient prosperity for all people.

GES provides orientation knowledge for society, business and politics. We develop concrete perspectives for companies in an ever faster changing world.

GES is a think tank: fact-based, open to technology, politically independent and focussed on the common good. Our focus: global (with contacts in the UN) and German-European.

We are happy to engage in in-depth dialogue.

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Our vision: A climate-neutral energy system for ten billion people in the near future. They should live in freedom, prosperity and peace with nature. GES has shown how the global climate targets can be achieved - while increasing prosperity in developing and newly industrialising countries. We think globally and derive specific recommendations for European and German energy policy.

More than 80 percent of global energy today comes from coal, gas, and oil. A completely renewable and electric energy system (All Electric) is a distant dream. Time is pressing. Therefore, we must immediately utilize all climate-neutral and safe energy sources: Renewables, Fossil fuels with CO2 capture (Carbon Capture), and Nuclear energy – ALL IN! instead of All Electric. Climate neutrality can only be achieved pragmatically, open to technology, and together – in a symbiosis of technology and nature.

Whether we get climate change under control will not be decided in Germany or Europe, not even in the USA, but in China, India, and Africa. Growing ruthlessness and nationalism do not change the fact: A solution to the climate problem is only possible through global cooperation. Climate nationalism is a dead end.

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Stable power system

black transmission towers under green sky

ALL IN! relies on a stable power system. It is essential for the industry and thus for prosperity. However, wind and solar cannot always deliver. Today’s electricity storage systems are either too small or too expensive. Therefore, the volatility of PV and wind power plants must be compensated by affordable and reliably controllable energy. We need a power system based on two pillars.

Carbon Capture

ALL IN! relies on Carbon Capture, for example, for fossil gas power plants in the power system. Fossil emissions are the problem, not fossil energy sources. This provides an opportunity to utilize the advantages of coal, gas, and oil for a longer time—without additional climate impact. Carbon Capture is a game changer.

climate-friendly fuels

ALL IN! relies on climate-friendly fuels. In addition to electricity (electrons), the mobility sector especially requires large amounts of liquid and gaseous climate-friendly fuels (molecules). For ships and airplanes, there is no alternative. Fully electrifying the global fleet of nearly 1.6 billion cars and trucks is an illusion.

Stable resource base

ALL IN! relies on a stable resource base. For example, electricity storage requires large amounts of raw materials that are not sufficiently available worldwide—such as for batteries. The long-term goal is extensive recycling of resources.

green palm tree during daytime

Nature-based Solutions

ALL IN! relies on Nature-based Solutions, particularly the protection of rainforests, large-scale reforestation, and soil improvement. The CO2 absorption capacity of plants, soils, and oceans already helps us tackle the climate problem today. About one-third of human-caused emissions are absorbed by nature. And this can be further increased.

global Cooperation

ALL IN! relies on global cooperation and a quadrupling of the gross domestic product of developing and emerging countries. Significant efforts are necessary to ensure that the desired growth processes do not conflict with ecological support systems and particularly the climate system. Solving the climate problem is not possible without substantial co-financing from North to South. This requires supportive governance.



Bert Beyers

Journalist and author. As a journalist he cultivates a discourse on a daily basis, as an author one with a far-reaching perspective.
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Christof von Branconi

Chemical engineer with an eye for strategy and structure. Puts together puzzle pieces for a world of prosperity and climate neutrality.
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Thomas Frewer

Strategist and expert in the energy industry. Uses industry knowledge to develop the most efficient levers for global energy transformation.
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Prof. Dr. Estelle Herlyn

Business mathematician and voice for sustainability. Knows where the problems lie, both in companies and in global cooperation.
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Dr. Tobias Orthen

Physicist and economist. He sees himself as an international bridge-builder to translate scientific findings into economic applications.
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Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher

Thought leader for globalisation and sustainability. He is passionate about analysing complex problems in order to develop practical solutions.
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Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Sollinger

Process engineer and networker. Distils complex interrelationships and scrutinises innovations for their future viability.
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Dr. Jens Wagner

Process engineer and industry specialist. He knows what works and what doesn't in techno-economic terms because he is involved in projects all over the world.
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Dr. Hans Jürgen Wernicke

Chemist and industry expert. He scrutinises every figure and uses his sense of causality to work out development paths for numerous branches of industry.
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    Lise-Meitner-Straße 9, D-89081 Ulm
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Bert Beyers


Bert Beyers is a journalist and author. As a journalist, he cultivates a discourse on a daily basis, as an author one with far-reaching future perspectives. He worked for many years as an editor at NDR in Hamburg. Books in co-operation with Franz Josef Radermacher and Mathis Wackernagel, among others. In addition, projects and articles in the areas of sustainability and the future.

Christof von Branconi


Mr. von Branconi studied chemical engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany, after a commercial apprenticeship and a stay abroad in Brazil. He received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in Fontainebleau, France. Subsequently, Mr. von Branconi worked for the management consultancy Arthur D. Little before joining the Lurgi Group. From 1995 to 2001, he was a member of the Executive Board of Lurgi Metallurgie, from 2003 to 2005 a member of the Executive Board of Lurgi AG and from 2012 to 2014 again Vice President Europe / CIS / Africa at the plant engineering company which was acquired by Air Liquide in the meantime.

From 2007 to 2011, Mr. von Branconi was Executive Board Member for the Power Generation division of the then publicly listed Tognum AG (now Rolls Royce Power Systems). During this time, he was also Chairman of the Power Systems Association within the VDMA. Since 2014, Mr. von Branconi’s project management specialist Indeco Consulting GmbH has focused on advising companies that are implementing a large capital goods project.

Thomas Frewer

After graduating with a degree in process engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in Fontainebleau/France, Thomas Frewer worked for four years at McKinsey & Co Inc. in Germany for European companies. In 1993, he moved to VEBA AG (now e.on SE) and was in charge of investment controlling for the ‘Oil’ division as part of the CEO’s department. In 1997, he moved to operational management responsibility at a VEBA Oel subsidiary, in 2001 he took over the commercial management of bp’s JV refinery holdings in Germany, extended to BP Europa SE in 2004. From 2007 to mid-2009 he was Managing Director of RuhrOel GmbH, a joint venture between BP and Petroleos de Venezuela. He then headed the Strategy & Portfolio division at BP Europa SE. Until 2020, he managed a number of M&A projects there, focussing on BP’s European refinery portfolio. From 2019 until his departure at the end of 2022, he was responsible for bp’s participation in the development of the integrated value chain for green hydrogen ‘GET H2 Nukleus’ (large-scale production, transport, storage and application; IPCEI status).

Estelle Herlyn


Prof. Dr. Estelle Herlyn has been working as a freelancer for the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing/n (FAW/n) since 2012 and is responsible in particular for research projects that are carried out in cooperation with politics and industry. She is also professor and scientific director of the Competence Center for Sustainable Development at the FOM University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. There she is concerned, among other things, with the responsibility of companies for sustainable development. In addition, issues of catch-up development and climate protection in a global perspective are a focus of her work.

She is a member of the German Society of the Club of Rome and Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Senate Institute for Public Welfare Policy. After studying business mathematics at the Technical University of Dortmund, she worked for several years in the SAP environment in various international companies (PwC, Ford, L’Oréal, HSBC) before she completed her doctorate at the RWTH Aachen University on questions of balanced income distribution as a decisive aspect of the social dimension of sustainability.

Tobias Orthen

Dr. Tobias Orthen is a physicist and economist. He sees himself as a bridge builder between extremes: What does global thinking mean for local action? How can science improve practical life? How can cultures work together? After studying in Kiel, Göttingen and Tokyo, he did his doctorate in Ulm on the question of what rich top emitters gain from working for climate protection and social cohesion. He is a researcher at FAW/n in Ulm, a fellow of the Global Justice Program at Yale University and helped establish Global Energy Solutions.

Franz Josef Radermacher

Deputy Chairman

Professor (emer.) at the University of Ulm, Chairman of the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing/n (FAW/n) Ulm, President of the Senate of Economics e. V., Bonn, Vice President of the Ecosocial Forum Europe, Vienna, and member of the Club of Rome. Since August 2018 he is also a member of the Austrian Council for Sustainable Development and a jury member of the BWS NachfolgerForum. He studied mathematics and economics (RWTH Aachen, University of Karlsruhe), postdoctoral lecture qualification in mathematics at RWTH Aachen in 1982.

His research interests include global problems, learning organizations, intelligent systems, digitalization and networking, risk management, responsibility of people and systems, environmentally friendly mobility, sustainable development, overpopulation, world food, climate and energy, and regulation of the world financial system.

Hans-Peter Sollinger


Dr. Sollinger studied mechanical and process engineering at the University of Stuttgart from 1974 to 1979 and received his doctorate from the Technical University of Aachen in 1983. In 1979, he was an engineer at Continental Forest Industry, USA. In 1982, he began his career at Voith AG and was Managing Director of Voith Sulzer Papiertechnik GmbH from 1994 to 2000. From 2000 to 2014, he was a member of the Board of Management of Voith AG and CEO of the Voith Paper Division.

From 2013 to 2019, Dr. Sollinger was a member of the advisory board of Carl Edelmann GmbH & Co. KG and from 2014 to 2020 he was on the supervisory board of Leipa Georg Leinfelder GmbH. From 2017 to 2022 he was a member of the board of directors of Bartholet Maschinenbau AG and a member of the advisory board of Montratec GmbH. In 2019 and 2020 he sat on the supervisory board of ISRA Vision AG. He has been a senior advisor at Rantum Capital Management GmbH since 2015.

Jens Wagner

Dr. Jens Wagner is a chemical engineer and has held similar positions in large-scale plant engineering at thyssenkrupp and Lurgi over the last 30 years. He is currently a partner in a company that develops and licenses projects and technologies in the field of (green, blue and grey) hydrogen, methanol and ammonia. Together with his network, one focus of his work has been to increase the energy efficiency/sustainability of technologies. As a technical advisor for his areas of expertise, Jens Wagner has been supporting Global Energy Solutions since July 2021.

Hans Jürgen Wernicke

Dr. Hans Jürgen Wernicke, after studying and obtaining a doctorate in physical chemistry in Kiel, worked for eight years for the Linde Group in petrochemical plant construction and then moved to Süd-Chemie AG in Munich, now part of Clariant AG. After several years in South Africa in connection with coal- and offshore natural gas-based synfuels projects and in the USA, Dr. Wernicke was a member of the Board of Management of Süd-Chemie from 1997 to 2011, from 2007 Deputy Chairman. In addition to several supervisory board mandates, Dr. Wernicke is involved in many expert committees, including as a member of the Executive Board and currently as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA).

He is also a member of the Economic Policy Committee and the Innovation Committee of the Bavarian Chemical Associations, the Advisory Board of the Bavarian Chemical Cluster and the Board of Trustees of the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock. He is co-author of two relevant books entitled “Future Fuels – Energy Shift in Transportation as a Global Climate Goal” and “Methanol: The Basic Chemical and Energy Feedstock of the Future”.

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