
GES for trucks with e-fuels

3. March 2023

Sustainable and renewable fuels should be taken into account in the EU regulations for road transport! Renowned representatives of the European industry plead for this in an open letter to the EU Commission. GES supports the initiative.


The great energy crisis – the new book by Fritz Vahrenholt

3. March 2023

In a 20-point programme, the author calls for: pushing the development of carbon capture further, including for natural gas; promoting shale gas on German soil; lifting the European ban on combustion engines and promoting the development of synthetic fuels; and ending subsidies for e-mobility. These points are congruent with the Global Energy Solutions programme. While […]


New GES Position Paper on Carbon Capture

3. March 2023

The burning of coal, gas and oil causes the dangerous rise in CO2 levels in the atmosphere that has been going on for decades, leading to warming and climate change. If it were possible to reliably capture the CO2 produced and then dispose of or use it, the world would be one step further. Carbon […]


Norway’s billion-dollar CCS business

3. March 2023

In the past decades, Norway has earned a lot of money from the extraction and sale of oil and gas – and invested it wisely in the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund. For some years now, Norway has been developing new business models. These include the production of low-CO2 hydrogen from natural gas. CO2 is […]


Interview Helmut Leibinger

3. March 2023

The first carbon capture plant in a German cement plant is in operation, in the Bavarian town of Rohrdorf near Rosenheim. Using the captured CO2, a product for the chemical industry is created, namely formic acid. With the pilot plant, the operator wants to open up a way to use CO2 as a valuable material, […]


Interview Hansjörg Lerchenmüller

3. February 2023

Biochar is produced through pyrolysis – a low-oxygen process of biomass conversion. Residual materials are used in this process, for example waste from the timber industry or straw. Biochar is used as a soil conditioner in agriculture. This way, carbon is permanently stored in the soil. Pyrolysis is an exothermic process. Once started, it produces […]


New GES Paper: Fallacies and Incorrectness in the Energy and Climate Crisis

3. February 2023

Germany tends towards moralising know-it-allism. GES criticises in particular the tendency towards climate nationalism, and argues against it: The climate crisis can only be solved globally. Our politics, on the other hand, often moves within a national frame of thinking, spends a lot of money and concentrates a lot of people’s personal commitment in the […]


Maersk on the way to climate-neutral ship propulsion

3. February 2023

The Danish Maersk Line is the largest container shipping company in the world. It has set itself ambitious climate targets. By 2030, 60 percent of CO2 emissions are to be saved in the shipping fleet, compared to 2018. Maersk has already ordered 19 seagoing container ships that can also be powered by methanol. Other climate-neutral […]


Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker on the work of GES

3. February 2023

“At the power plants, capturing and recycling CO2 has great potential, although the question is who is going to pay for it. Comparable to the successful Montreal Protocol to prevent a hole in the ozone layer, this should primarily be done by the industrialised countries. For the existing fleet, synthetic fuels in particular offer good […]


News in brief February 2023

3. February 2023

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. The Norwegian state-owned company Equinor could […]

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