
Industry partner meeting of GES

3. June 2022

Synthetic fuels based on climate-friendly hydrogen are an important pillar for meeting the global climate and energy challenges. They can contribute significantly to the reduction of emissions and complete climate neutralisation of the 1.3 billion vehicles with combustion engines worldwide. They can also be used for individual heating and cooling solutions. This was one of […]


GES at CCUS Workshop of UNIDO in Vienna

3. June 2022

The objective of the workshop was to gain an overview of ongoing activities in the CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage) field worldwide, especially for developing and emerging countries. The aim was to find approaches on how UNIDO can contribute to accelerating and scaling up the technology.


New GES factsheet: Production of hydrogen

3. June 2022

The conclusion: Only when low- CO2 hydrogen can be produced at comparable prices to grey hydrogen will business models emerge and the market ramp-up accelerate. Until then, state regulation and further investments in the development of this future technology are needed. An important player in the production of electrolysers is China, where production is massively […]


New GES Background Paper: Green Power Generation and Storage

3. June 2022

The cost of electricity from renewable energies and their storage is expected to fall. This is a result of the new GES paper. In addition, the geopolitical situation is changing, new dependencies are emerging.


News in brief June 2022

3. June 2022

At this point, some news of the last few weeks will be addressed which, from GES’ point of view, are reason for hope because they contain building blocks of a possible global solution and / or could help to develop a realistic view of the challenges ahead of us. At the meeting of the G7 […]


GES-Factsheet: Carbon Capture and Storage / Usage (CCS / CCU)

6. May 2022

Our conclusion: CCS and CCU are important tools in the fight against the climate crisis and represent opportunities that should be seized. Currently, 150 million tonnes of CO2 are removed from the atmosphere every year. In 2050, it will have to be many times that amount if – as is to be expected – fossil […]


Update Strategy Statement: Dii Desert Energy – Global Energy Solutions

6. May 2022

The world of energy has changed significantly in recent months. As a result of the war in Ukraine, focus of public discussion is increasingly on energy security. The import of fossil fuels from Russia is (currently) no longer an option. The search for alternatives is in full swing. This is also giving renewables a strong […]


Easter package: Electricity will become even more expensive

6. May 2022

The share of renewables in electricity generation in Germany is to be at least 80 percent in 2030. This is a central promise of the so-called Easter Package presented by Economics Minister Robert Habeck. GES has done the math and concludes that the target cannot be achieved. Unfortunately, there are considerable gaps in the paper […]


Position paper of the Board of Trustees of Global Energy Solutions

1. April 2022

An excerpt: “We welcome the flexible cycle model pursued by the association, which does not name fossil fuels per se as the core problem, but the burning of these fossil fuels in such way that CO2 is released into the atmosphere. As far as possible this must be prevented. Hence, the focus is on technical […]


Strategy Statement: Dii Desert Energy – Global Energy Solutions

1. April 2022

Dii Desert Energy is the successor organisation to Desertec. Dii and GES share a similar view of the global energy transition. A quote from the joint paper: “Global Energy Solutions and Dii Desert Energy are not only focusing on green electricity, but also on the conversion to hydrogen and its derivatives. In addition, liquid organic […]

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